Did you know that 1 in 8 couples face infertility? 1 IN 8!
It's not often talked about, leaving women (couples) feeling ashamed. Many suffer in silence.
I went back and forth on whether to share my story, my feelings on the issue. But the truth is, there's no shame here. There's hurt and confusion and heartache and tears (and tests and drugs and hormones), but there shouldn't be shame.
Someone you know is probably going through in silence, hoping you don't ask her why she doesn't yet have kids. It's a simple question to ask newlyweds/young couples... and I'll admit to asking it myself. Never did I think that it could be an insensitive question. But I've learned (the hard way) you just truly have NO idea what a couple is going through.
This video really touched a nerve yesterday, so I feel the need to share:
National Infertility Awareness Week 2016 from Natalie Fitzpatrick on Vimeo.
National Infertility Awareness Week® is not only an opportunity to raise awareness about this disease, but also motivate all that are touched by infertility to commit to the cause. What will YOU #StartAsking?
I hope that by talking about it, less people struggling will feel alone, including myself.
Few people know of our current struggle except for a few close friends, and that's how we thought to get through this. Infertility is a life-changing struggle that can take away someone's biggest dream. And definitely something to make light of.
The big picture... I'm not alone, and that's what I'm really taking to heart this week. There is SO many medical advancements now. "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...." ;)
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